65+ Examples of Bias by Omission:
The video contains questionable statements made by 0bama while President. A non biased MEDIA would have challenged all of them. Yet the Left Stream MEDIA barely challenged them at all. Especially the lies about 0bamacare. Could you imagine the MEDIA hypocrites allowing Trump to make this 0bama statement without challenging him?
“if you are a family making less that 250k per year, you will not see your taxes go up!”
AND THEN IMPLEMENT a huge middle class tax raise of 0bamacare…
Additional Examples of Media Bias: (if you need them)
9/7/17 Fake News: NBCNews.com Labels Democratic Senator Menendez as a Republican
Bias by Omission was used to create this FAKE NEWS.
On Wednesday, NBCNews.com published an Associated Press dispatch on the bribery trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (N.J.), but there was one huge problem in that Menendez was labeled a Republican. Translation? NBC News saw no reason to engage in basic proofreading or got caught red-handed in the act of liberal bias. Read More ›
9/5/17 Nets Ignore Opponents With 99 Percent Pro-DACA Coverage
Talk about the application of Bias by Omission.
The liberal media was out in force on Tuesday in the wake of President Trump’s decision to rescind Obama-era executive action on immigration known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Read More ›
9/1/17 Fake news! CNN disguising Dem donor as “GOP analyst”
In a desperate attempt to appear non-partisan, CNN has brought on a “GOP analyst” to offer an even playing field for Republicans. But there’s a MAJOR problem — she’s been caught donating to Democratic campaigns! Get this inside scoop on this undercover Dem. Read More ›
6/24/17 Busted! CNN admits ‘fake news’, retracts story
CNN is losing it! See why the network is trying to bury their false Russian hacking story — and why their bosses are putting new rules in place to stop their out-of-control ‘fake news’ spree. Hint: They wouldn’t even comment to their own CNN reporter about this! Read More ›
6/22/17 Cowardly Media Can’t Face the Crimes of illegal Immigrants
A crime that the MEDIA thought they could pin on the mythical hate filled conservative gets the Bias by Omission treatment as soon as the perpetrator is an Illegal Immigrant. Shame on the MEDIA.
6/15/17 After Hitting Trump on Coal Promises, ABC, NBC Skip New Mine Opening
Another excellent example of Bias by Omission, and the hypocrisy of ABC, and NBC. Trump fulfilling a campaign promise is positive news that the left does not want us to hear.
6/13/17 Nets Hype Dems Suing Trump, Helped Hillary Dodge Corruption Charges
The Practice of Bias by Omission often includes a healthy dose of hypocrisy and that is what I hate the most. Liberals claim to want fairness, yet condoning this type of hypocrisy is far from fair.
6/10/17 ABC Omits Comey Testimony Exposing AG Lynch as Clinton Campaigner
Another perfect example of Bias by Omission from MRC CyberAlert.
6/08/17 Comey testimony proves CNN and NYT guilty of “fake news”
James Comey’s testimony in front of the Senate today proved something we’ve long said: CNN and NYT were BOTH proven to have run “fake news” on the Russian conspiracy (surprise, surprise… their “anonymous sources” were 100% DEAD wrong!)
6/08/17 ABC, NBC Disparage Intelligence Chiefs as Anonymous Reports Collapse
In the days and hours leading up to a hearing of the Senate’s Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBC, and NBC) were giddy at the prospect of two heads of U.S. intelligence agencies fingering President Trump in a plot to shut down the Russian investigation. But after the two and a half hour long hearing, they weren’t kicking themselves for getting their hopes up, they were kicking Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and NSA Director Michael Rogers for not giving them what they wanted.
6/6/17 Nets Blackout the Radical Leftist History of NSA Leaker Reality Winner
Here is yet another example of how the MEDIA is using Bias by Omission to control public opinion. Leaving out pertinent data like the leaker’s intentions is classic bias by omission. Read more at mrcNewsBusters.com
6/6/17 Sebastian Gorka to CNN: “What You’ve Just Spun Is Classic Fake News”
CNN host it owned by Sebastian Gorka. Gorka called it for what CNN produces…. Fake News !
6/2/17 The amazing photo of Melania the media REFUSES to show
Here is yet another example of how the MEDIA is using Bias by Omission to control public opinion. The LEFT would never ignore this picture nor would we hear the end of the story if it was of a liberal politician.
This corrupt practice is not only hypocritical, it shows the MEDIA’s lack of integrity and honesty.
6/1/17 ABC, CBS Ignore House Subpoenas to Obama Officials, NBC Touts Clinton
Bias by Omission comes in many forms but always ignores bad things about liberals and their politicians. This article certainly fits the bad for liberals article and thus is a good example of the MEDIA using Bias by Omission. Imagine the coverage that this story would get if it were about a Conservative…
6/1/17 Nets Spend 10 Mins on Trump Typo Tweet
At midnight on May 31, President Trump tweeted the enigmatic “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” Despite that fact that everyone, including journalists, make typos, the media pounced. On just the morning news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC, there was a baffling ten minutes of coverage devoted to speculating about what Trump meant by this cryptic word that in context was clearly supposed to mean “coverage.”
5/25/17 Nets Blackout Massive Constitutional Violations by Obama’s NSA
Here is another example of the MEDIA’s use of bias by omission. The fact that 0bama used unconstitutional invasions into American’s privacy, does not go far if the MEDIA does not report it. NOW if Trump or Bush had done anything like this….. We know the hypocrites would cover it.
5/25/17 While the Media Snub Melania For Not Wearing a Headscarf, Michelle Obama Was Wearing…Well, This
Here is another article written about the hypocrisy of the MEDIA. Which points out the MEDIAs use of bias by Omission. They will continue to ignore all things bad about Michelle 0bama, and ignore all things good about Melania Trump.
5/24/17 Media Prematurely Dancing on Trump’s Political Grave
Donald Trump’s first year in office isn’t even half over but the liberal media is ready to bury it. Journalists went crazy over the James Comey dismissal with constant comparisons to Watergate. CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin called it “A grotesque abuse of power…the kind of thing that goes on in non-democracies.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews opined that the move had a “whiff of fascism.” His colleague Mika Brezezinski went as far as to declare the Trump administration “over.”
5/12/17 Rand Paul Schools ‘Left-Wing Media’ Parroting Dem Talking Points on Comey
Republican Senator Rand Paul nailed the liberal spin coming from CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King on Thursday, hammering the hypocrisy on the firing of James Comey. After King, who is also a Democratic donor, questioned the way in which Comey was fired, Paul fired back: “I think if they summarily dismissed Comey earlier on without going through that process, you know all the left-wing media would have been up in arms with that too.”
5/12/17 Mollie Hemingway Calls Out Media for ‘Delusional’ Comey Narrative
As the Media Research Center has documented since FBI Director James Comey’s firing on Tuesday, the liberal media have been in a rage and desperately trying to tie the firing to Russia. The media’s hyperventilation didn’t escape the eye of The Federalist’s Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway, who denounced them as “delusional” during Thursday’s Special Report on Fox News. “You know, even though I am a long-time media observer, I am kind of gobsmacked at the media coverage of this firing,” she told the rest of the panel.
5/19/2015 Awesome Breitbart article dealing with liberal bias.
Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media
5/18/15 George Stephanopoulos
George’s actions have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the bias within ABC exists.
March for Life Jan 2015: (Pro Life issue)
Did you know that on Jan 22, 2015, 200,000+ people braved freezing temperatures to take place in the March for Life. Did you know that the March for Life is the longest contiguous running protest in American history? Did you know that this Pro Life Rally takes place EVERY year on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade?