Instructions for Members

  1. Become a Member (Join Here) (Bring your Friends)
  2. Send out as many Petitions as you can (Start Here)
  3. Stay involved, return to this site, boycott lists are updated every two weeks.

Thank you for joining Mad As Hell Boycott. Welcome to a boycott that with your support will work. You have joined a community of like minded individuals that are very concerned about the direction that the United States is going and feels that the MEDIA is playing a huge part in steering the Country in the wrong direction.

Get involved and stay involved! The Boycott lists are updated every two weeks, so there is plenty to do here.

More about Mad As Hell Boycott

Not a Traditional Boycott

Mad As Hell Boycott is not a traditional boycott. We are NOT simply boycotting or not watching ABC, NBC, and CBS. Most of us have been NOT WATCHING for years now, and you can see where that has got us.  As Sarah Palin is fond of saying, “How is that working out for you?”

We realize that the traditional boycott has had no effect on the MEDIA’s corrupt use of Bias by Omission in their news. So we are digging deeper, we are voicing our concerns to the people that keep the news on the air.  The Advertisers.

We are talking directly to the Advertisers with Petitions

It is MORE important for you as a member to send out petitions than it is for you to stop using the products on the list. Sending out the petitions voices your DISAPPOINTMENT in them for advertising which hurts you personally.

Our Petitions:

  1. Clearly state why we created and support the boycott
  2. Provide justification of the boycott
  3. Clearly state what actions we want the boycotted to do.

Why was created?

The Liberal Progressive Main Stream MEDIA intentionally use the corrupt practice of Bias by Omission when generating their news stories in order to sway public opinion towards their liberal progressive ideology. What is left after the MEDIA applies Bias by Omission is nothing less than propaganda, leaving their viewers with half the information they need to make sound decisions.

The intent of the Mad As Hell Boycott is to remove partisan bias and hypocrisy from the prime time nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS.  The use of Bias by Omission put at risk the very freedoms that have been long assured by a free press. The Founding Fathers counted on the Press to keep the Government honest, not just the half of the Government that the Press ideologically agrees with.

Justification for the Boycott

When this Boycott first started, we needed to prove that bias existed. Today, the bias is so obvious that proof is hardly required.

An entire page is dedicated to examples of the MEDIA using bias by omission.  Click Here

What do we want the Boycotted to do?

We are politely asking the advertisers to move their ads off of the following stations.

  • ABC World News Tonight with David Muir
  • NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt
  • CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.

When the Advertiser moves his ads off these offending program time slots, we will remove their name from our boycott lists.

The reason these corrupt news programs are on the air is because of advertising dollars. Each time we purchase one of the advertisers products, that advertisers turns around uses a small chunk of OUR money to support the Liberal Progressives news programs. And that liberal progressive program then uses Bias by Omission to create the propaganda that turns public opinion against conservative causes.  This cycle is unacceptable. It makes us MAD AS HELL!

When the Ad revenue dries up, the MEDIA will have to consider changing their use of Bias by Omission. If they do, then we can end this boycott.

Let me be clear, it is not our intent to hurt the parent channels. We simply want the advertisers to move their ads off the ½ hour time slots of the “news” programs that are using bias by omission. The advertisers can run their ads on the entire 23.5 hrs left in the day. We don’t care. Just don’t spend our money to support a ½ “news” program that uses Bias by Omission.

It is MORE important for you as a member to send out petitions than it is for you to stop using the products on the list. Sending out the petitions voices your DISAPPOINTMENT in them for advertising on the offending program time slots, which hurts you personally.

To Recap

Instructions to Boycott Members.

  1. Become a Member (Join Here) (Bring your Friends)
  2. Send out as many Petitions as you can (Start Here)
  3. Stay involved, return to this site, boycott lists are updated every two weeks.
  4. Invite more people
  5. Sign all the petitions and check for updates
  6. Repeat 2 and 3 Repeat